SCL Sports Lighting - Hais txog peb

Peb muab kev pabcuam ib-chaw nres tsheb

Xya Continents Teeb pom kev zoo (SCL) yog lub chaw muag khoom ntawm LED Sports Teeb pom kev zoo nyob rau hauv Suav teb.With ntau tshaj 10 xyoo ntawm kev tsim thiab tsim tshiab LED Sports teeb pom kev zoo, SCL muab ib tug ua tiav teeb pom kev zoo nrog kev teeb pom kev zoo tsim thiab kev ua si teeb pom kev zoo, rau txhua yam kev ua si sab nraum zoov thiab sab hauv tsev thiab coj mus rau hauv tus account qhov yuav tsum tau los ntawm qhov tsawg tshaj plaws mus txog rau cov chaw ua si nyuaj tshaj plaws.

Vim li cas thiaj xaiv peb

SCL tsuas yog tsom rau kev ua kis las teeb pom kev zoo rau 12 xyoo, ua tib zoo xav hauv ntau txhiab qhov chaw hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.

  •  For over 11 years SCL Sports lighting has been providing sports lighting solutions for recreation and prestigious sports facilities. We have a specialist service available for all levels of sports lighting. We do light simulation and project budget for customer, design and manufacture LED Sports Lighting and pole.

    Peb Kev Pabcuam

    Rau ntau tshaj 11 xyoo SCL Sports teeb pom kev zoo tau muab kev ua kis las teeb pom kev zoo rau kev ua si thiab chaw ua kis las muaj koob npe.Peb muaj kev pabcuam tshwjxeeb rau txhua theem ntawm kev ua kis las teeb pom kev zoo.Peb ua lub teeb simulation thiab qhov project pob nyiaj siv rau cov neeg siv khoom, tsim thiab tsim LED Sports Teeb pom kev zoo thiab ncej.

  • Patent phase change material heat sink have made dramatic improvements in LED lifespan and constant light level. It ensures the sports lighting be a cost-effective and trouble-free products.

    Peb qhov ADVANTAGE

    Patent theem hloov cov khoom cua kub dab dej tau ua kom muaj kev txhim kho nyob rau hauv LED lifespan thiab lub teeb tsis tu ncua.Nws ua kom cov kev ua kis las teeb pom kev zoo yog cov khoom siv tsis raug nqi thiab tsis muaj teeb meem.

  • 1.What do I need to provide in order to receive a free lighting design and quote? A quote knowing the field type, field size, light level requirements. A CAD drawing of the field will be helpful.

    Cov lus nug

    1.Kuv yuav tsum tau muab dab tsi thiaj li tau txais kev tsim teeb pom kev zoo thiab nqe lus?Ib daim ntawv pov thawj paub txog hom teb, qhov loj me, qhov xav tau ntawm lub teeb.Ib daim duab CAD ntawm daim teb yuav pab tau.




    1.Tub rog tshav kub dissipation, ntse dimming (Raws li qhov xav tau ntawm teeb pom kev zoo).

    2.Kev tsim lub teeb pom kev zoo tiv thaiv qhov ci ntsa iab thiab nchuav tau zoo, kev siv piv txwv txhim kho 25.6% ntau dua li cov teeb pom kev zoo ntawm LED.

    3.Thawj cov chips imported, lifespan 50000 teev.

    4.Raws li IESNA-LM-79 (North American Lighting Association) cov qauv rau kev sim.


    1.Tub rog tshav kub dissipation, ntse dimming (Raws li qhov xav tau ntawm teeb pom kev zoo).

    2.Kev tsim lub teeb pom kev zoo tiv thaiv qhov ci ntsa iab thiab nchuav tau zoo, kev siv piv txwv txhim kho 25.6% ntau dua li cov teeb pom kev zoo ntawm LED.

    3.Thawj cov chips imported, lifespan 50000 teev.

    4.Raws li IESNA-LM-79 (North American Lighting Association) cov qauv rau kev sim.



  • Taw qhia

    SCL muab cov teeb pom kev zoo ua tiav nrog kev teeb pom kev zoo tsim thiab kev ua kis las teeb pom kev zoo, rau kev ncaws pob, ntaus pob tesniv, tsev hais plaub ntaus pob, ntaus pob tesniv, lub tsev hais plaub hockey, lub rooj ntaus pob tesniv, thiab lwm yam. txhua yam kev ua si sab nraum zoov thiab sab hauv tsev thiab coj mus rau hauv tus account. cov kev xav tau los ntawm qhov tsawg tshaj plaws mus rau cov chaw ua si uas nyuaj tshaj plaws.